Follow the progress of construction (and sometimes destruction) of my N-scale model train layout.

November 30, 2008

We are go!

While at my parent's for Thanksgiving I was able to cut out a block of wood to mount the control panel on.

Then weekend I finished up the wiring for the layout. I also cleaned off the layout and put out some structures, before I took a break and ran some trains.

November 19, 2008

This past weekend I did most of the wiring under the layout. I still have a few more connections to solder but I was able to run a train this week! I got the main line powered up but I still need to wire up the control panel for the sidings. I plan to have three different blocks (each of the passing sidings, and the sidings up at the top) that can be turned off so that I can park engines there and operate more than one train on the layout.

November 9, 2008

Small Update

Excluding the area for the engine house, the last of the track is down. The hold up with putting that track down is lack of a left hand turnout. I have one but it was more damaged then I thought. One of the rails has come unseated from the sleepers. I tried fixing it once but it didn't take. A new turnout might be in order.

All my ground throws are in place now. The next step is to put the layout on its slide and wire it up so I can run some trains. This will be a little bit of a challenge given the narrow confines on of the room.