Follow the progress of construction (and sometimes destruction) of my N-scale model train layout.

September 6, 2008

New Layout in the Works

I took the plunge and have started building a new layout. This one will be the same width (32 in.) but almost double as long (80 in.). I had originally planed a 36 in. wide layout but realized that 32 in. was just about as far as I could reach, and since this layout would be up against a wall, 36 in. wide would have left the last 4 in. unaccessible, so I narrowed it.

It is similar to the plan for my existing layout in some way, but has a number of improvements. The first area is the yard. In addition to being designed for longer trains, the new layout has all the yard tracks directly connected to the yard ladder. Previously there were two tracks that were separated from the ladder by a short track. This short track was rarely used since a long cut of cars on it would block access to the other siding. The yard also has a switch lead that is not part of the main line.

I also added in another passing siding on the side of the layout to allow me to allow some more flexibility with switching.

The layout will be build on a framework of 1 x 2 topped with luan plywood. On top of the plywood there is 1 in. pink insulation foam as a base. I framed up the layout last week, and just glued down most of the foam today.


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