Layout and a Photo
Today I went to Cappellis Hobbies. I picked up the flex track I forgot to get before. I also remade the layout on the computer from the printout I had.
I started putting down the roadbed for the track. At first I tried to to it with just measuring but I wasn't very good at making the curves. So the next thing I tried was printing the layout at scale and trying to use the printout as a guide for the roadbed. But my printer ran out of ink and I don't think I got the margins just right because the measurements were off with the paper. So in the end I resorted to measuring where I though the track would go, then laying down the actual track and marking the centerline through the ties. Then pulling the track up and tracing the centerline with a black sharpie. Then I laid the roadbed based on the line.
I think I might pull it all up tommorow and try to relay it. Alteast the straight run on the left side of the photo. It has a wiggle in it.
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